2024 Festival Passes

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A 2021 Slamdance Film Festival Virtual Pass gives you access to our full film program of over 100 films! Including 20 feature film world premieres, international short films, filmmaker Q&A’s, jury and audience awards presentations, and workshops and panels with notable alumni, all through our virtual platform.

[members_access role=”cinesend_2021_filmmakers,cinesend_general_audience,cinesend_paid_audience,cinesend_press_and_industry_and_jury,cinesend_slamdance_team” operator=”!”]

Get a Festival Pass

$10 General Admission
$5 for students with a .edu email address
For group sales please contact [email protected]



[members_access role=”cinesend_2021_filmmakers,cinesend_general_audience,cinesend_paid_audience,cinesend_press_and_industry_and_jury,cinesend_slamdance_team”]

Hi [vg_display_data key=”first_name” data_source=”user_meta”], it looks like you already have a pass to the virtual festival.

Use the email address and password that you registered with to log in to the virtual festival. The 2021 Slamdance Film Festival is accessible between February 12-25, 2021.

Watch Now

Note: only a single Virtual Festival Pass may be purchased per email address. If you already have a pass and would like to purchase another, first log out here and then return to this page to check out using a different email address.
