L.A. Women Make Films Landmark Screening

Slamdance is back with a bang on the LA theater scene! Thanks to our Landmark collaboration and event partnership with The Chimaera Project.

This sold out show featured a collection of 8 outstanding short films all directed by women based out of Los Angeles. Thank you to everyone who came out to support this screening and screenings to come like our AGBO + Slamdance DTLA Summer showcase which kicks off this Wednesday!

Full program of films and filmmakers below



Off Fairfax

Directed by Erica Eng
After a tumultuous night trying to solve a murder, three friends are led to a local diner where the answer may be staring them right in the face.

A Guide For When Immigrants Become Ancestors
Directed by Iliana Garcia
An intimate portrait of a fourth-generation Mexican Filipino American, as they navigate what it means to inherit an identity rooted in cultural memory.

Directed by Jillian Corsie
Fed up with decades of suffering through the forced perfection of modern beauty standards, a tooth takes matters into its own hands, launching a full scale attack.

Jenna Has to Live
Directed by Katie Hopkins
Jenna has Type 1 Diabetes and is about to be evicted from her apartment. To pay her rent she sells her insulin and rations what remains in increasingly reckless ways. When a well-meaning coworker, Julian, sees too much, Jenna throws up her guard. Can she hide her actions from being judged by Julian, or will her declining health give her away?

The Ringmaster
Directed by Maya Albanese
Alma feels she has finally found an escape from her uncomfortable family life when she joins a whimsical, underground world of circus performers, but as she becomes the new muse to its enigmatic ringmaster, the creative fantasy devolves into a prison that begins to feel uncannily familiar.

Directed by Jennifer Greco
After living in the US for years, a young woman Esmeralda returns to her native land Colombia to confront her mother about her traumatic childhood memories. Back in her neighborhood, Esmeralda faces the ghosts of her past and learns to let go and forgive by creating an unbreakable bond with her mother in the process.

Miss Alma Thomas” A Life in Color
Directed by Cheri Gaulke
Born a generation after slavery, Alma Woodsey Thomas grew up in the South, in a home where education was a priority. At 16, with racial tensions high and no further schooling options, her family moved to Washington, DC, where she started her incredible life of firsts: the first Fine Arts graduate from Howard University (1924), the first African-American Woman to mount a solo show at the Whitney Museum of American Art (1972), and the first African-American woman to exhibit her paintings in the White House (2009). All the while, she taught art at Shaw Jr. High for 36 years, pioneered educational techniques, travelled the world, and crossed racial barriers. Yet she did not receive national attention until six years before she passed.

Directed by Yuchi Ma
Red Threads (我很爱你) is a single-channel video that navigates the simultaneous existence of filial love and filial guilt within the experience of a Chinese Parachute Kid studying for years in the West away from home.